possibilities for hunting

Roebuck hunting


Individual hunt (stalking and high-seat) for roebucks, in the territories to the south of Lake Balaton

We recommend this territories in Somogy county for hunters who wish to shoot roebucks with small and medium sized antlers. The hunting-grounds are from 3000 to 7000 hectares, covered their surface of 30-40% by acacia and oak forests. Between the smaller thickets and reedy spots, there are also agricultural fields. In this region, our guests shoot approximately 200-220 bucks in a year and most of the antlers are between 250 and 400 grams. The average weight of the trophies is 320 grams, but there are a couple of trophies over 400 grams every year. In the morning, the hunt mostly consists of stalking, while in the afternoon jeeps and high seats are dominant. In some of the territories it is possible to hunt by horsecoach. Due to the easy way of hunting, it is possible to get 4-6 roebucks in 3 days. Thanks to the natural cirumstances, the hunt for roebucks can be easily combined with wild boar hunting. Accommodation: in first class hunting lodges, in comfortable private guest houses and in small hotels.

Roebuck hunting in the woody areas of the Great Hungarian Plain

We recommend our hunting-grounds 230-290 kms north-east from Budapest -in Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county- for those who want to try the stalking on foot method besides hunting by off road vehicles. Our guests shoot 150-200 roebucks per year in this area. The trophies are usually between 300-400 grams but antlers over 500 grams are not unusual either. The average weight is over 350 grams. 30-40% of the surface of the hunting-grounds are covered by small woods. Small plots and varied reed fields are between of the agricultural parcels. On a three-day-long hunting about 5-9 nice roebucks can be shot. Accommodation: In first-class hunting-lodges, in comfortable rural guest houses and in small hotels.

Capital roebucks from the Great Hungarian Plain

It is a well-known fact that Hungarian roebuck population has the best quality in the world.

Including this the best population lives here in the Great Hungarian Plain. This thanks to one side of the perfect habitat, riches of food and the other side of the consistent work of professional hunters and the high-level wildlife management. It’s worth mentioning that according to the hungarian game management rules the bucks over 350 grams of antlerweight are allow to shoot over 6-7 years of their age. The sustainablitiy of quality is the reason of this regulation. As a consequence of these actions, Hungarian trophies have been on the top of the rankings in the last 40 years.

Our hunting grounds are situated in Szolnok, Békés, Hajdú-Bihar and Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg counties. The average size of these territories is between 5000 and 12000 hectares, where the hunts are led by 2-3 professional hunters. The average weight of the trophies is between 350-450g, but antlers are not rare weight more than 500-550g. Thanks to the fast and comfortable hunting by jeeps, our clients have a possibility to shoot 10-15 roebucks in three days. Of course, because of the small covering, shooting skills are needed, as 150-250m shots are not rare. The most of the bucks are taken from 15th april to 15th of may, but the ruting season in early august means a great opportunity too.

Accommodation: small hotels and guest houses near to the hunting grounds, or simple hunting lodges on the hunting grounds.


Capital roebucks on the hills of Maros county (Romania)🇷🇴

Huge trophies roe bucks can be found not only in Hungary, but also in neighboring countries, including in Transylvania's Maros county. These areas are all the more interesting, because in contrast to the plains of the Great Hungarian Plain, the habitat of the roe deer in Maros County is located in a hilly area covered with agriculture, forests and bushes. During the hunt – similar to the hungarian hunting method-, our clients are transported by jeep until they find a proper roebuck, and this way they have the opportunity to approach it by fast stalking on foot. Thanks to this method of hunting, our clients can enjoy the combination of comfort, tradition and efficiency. The average weight of the trophies is 350 grams, but there is not rare a buck with 500 g trophyweight. This hunting area is located a 3 hours long journey away from the Hungarian border, but it can also be easily reached by plane, since the airports of Cluj-Napoca and Targu Mures are within 100 km Accommodation: excellent guest houses, or 4-5*- castle hotels.



Pheasant and hare shooting on the Great Hungarian Plain

The half of Hungary, east of the Danube river forms a huge, continuous plain on which intensive cereales and corn cultivation takes place.

In this area we organize excellent brown hare and pheasant shootings for groups of 4-12 persons.

The average daily bag is between 10-20 pieces of game/hunter, half of which is brown hare and the other half is pheasant. We organize shootings in different territories of private hunting associations. Their size is in the range of 5000-15 000ha. Apart from the hunters, there are also 5-15 beaters and dog-keepers among them as well.

Huntings are held in the form of walking up shooting, but sometimes – for a better results – some of the shooters stand and block the way of the hares and pheasants that want to escape from the drive too early.The accommodation is usually provided in small hotels and guest houses within 20 km of the hunting-grounds. Although the beginning of the hunting season is 1st October we suggest arrival after 15th October. Shooting brown hare is permitted until 31st December, pheasant is until end of February.
In some areas we can combine the hunting with shooting geese and mallards in the morning or in the afternoon.

Our hunting-grounds:
80 kms east from Budapest, near to Gyöngyös and Hatvan
100 kms east from Budapest, near to Szolnok,
100 km south-east from Budapest, near to Debrecen.


Our company has been organizing excellent driven pheasant shootings for years, on its own hunting grounds. Thanks to the professional experience of our professional hunters and the careful, detailed preparation, success on our hunts is guaranteed!

Usually the daily bag is between 200-500 pheasants in the driven shooting. All of our hunts are assisted with the work of well trained dogs. We organize 7-10 drives a day, and we provide a loader and a dog-keeper person on the numbered stand of our client.

Generally the lunch is served in the hunting-ground in a pleasant atmosphere. It consists of hot goulash soup or barbecue, followed by cakes, coffee and tea. Until the end of November, the hunt can be combined with driven mallard shooting and after that with driven wildboar hunt.

Our territory is located 140 kms on the south-west of Budapest, on the South coast of Lake Balaton.

Accommodation: our hunting lodge in Fonyód and the buildings next to it, that have 14 rooms altogether

Photo: Somfotó


The great lakes of the nature conservation reserves in Eastern Hungary attract every year a vast amount of waterfowl in the autumn-winter period. These birds leave the protected areas and lakes in the mornings and evenings to search for food on the cultivated lands nearby, which provide us perfect opportunities for their hunt.

The following species are legal to shoot:
- mallard,
- greater white-fronted goose,
- grey leg goose.
- bean goose

The best season for this shooting is from October 1st to January 31st.

Accommodation: small hotels, and guest houses on the hunting ground


Mouflon hunting in Hungary

Even though Hungary is a plain area, some parts of the country give perfect opportunities to hunt for mouflons. The two main areas where we organize our hunts:

- In the mountains of Mátra, 100 km from Budapest, in North-East Hungary, close to the city of Gyöngyös.

We recommend this hunt for those, who are in good physical condition, considering the steep hills, and hours of stalking. The hunting grounds are mainly 500-1000m above sea level. Ram can be shot in the entire year, but the best season for its hunt is from October to January. The average size of the horns is 80cm.

Accommodation: guest house or hotel in the mountains.

- On the hills of Southern Transdanubia, in the South of the Lake Balaton

Here the hunting grounds are on a lower level, which means 200-400m above sea level, so the hunts are not so exhausting as in the Mátra mountains. The average horn size of the rams here is 75-90 cm. Accommodation: the comfortable hunting lodges of the state forestries



Hungary is known to have the best quality fallow deer population in the world. The most famous hunting areas for this game are found:

- Gúth, in Eastern Hungary, 25km east from Debrecen city

- Gyula, in Southeast Hungary, 20km from the city of Békéscsaba

- Gyulaj, in Southwest Hungary, South from the Lake Balaton, next to the city of Tamási

- Lábod, in Southwest Hungary, South from the city of Kaposvár

All of the four hunting grounds are managed by the state, and their size is between 5.000-15.000 ha. In the plain areas the hunt mostly consists of stalking on foot. In October, in the main ruting season of the fallow deer, there is a good chance to shoot one that has a capital trophy. The average trophy weighs 3,8-4,5 kg, but if required, bucks weighs more than this, can also be shooted.

This hunting season starts on Ocotber 1st and the main ruting season lasts until October 20th. We recommend 3 entire days for the successful hunt to our clients.

Photo: Somfotó



The most significant part of the world famous Hungarian red deer population lives in the South-West of the country, in the Transdanubian and Zala hills, lying in the south of Lake Balaton. The hunting grounds are mainly covered by oak and acacia forests, and some cultivated lands. In the dawns resounding of roaring stags, every hunter gets long lasting memories of this beautiful experience. In this hunting-ground, the biggest stags’ antlers reaches a weight of 11-12 kg. We shoot yearly ca. 50 stags in this area. During the day, it is possible to shoot driven mallard on our lake approximately 35 kms away from the hunting-ground.

Accommodation: quiet and comfortable private hunting lodges, or in the HUNTING LODGE of our central office in Fonyód, 20 km far from the territory.



This beautiful hunting-ground lies on the eastern borderland of Transylvania, in the heart of Romania. The mountanious region, situated on the north of Brasov, is on the territory of Covasna and Harghita county inhabited by Hungarians. The highest peaks of the two parallel mountain ranges reach the 1800m height above sea level.

The hunting usually takes place at 800-1500 m above sea level. The Carpathians is the only isolated area of Europe where the human civilization has not broken the peace of nature yet.

The carpathian red stag is unique in Europe as stags with so large antlers do not live in other mountainous regions. Antlers of 8-10 kg are not unusual at all and some of our lucky hunters have shot stags over 12 kg as well. Hunting is organized in the main roaring time above 1000 meters, between 20th September and 5th October.

Accommodations in the East Carpathians are comfortable hunting-lodges, occasionally small guest-houses. The hunting grounds can be reached from the airports of Sibiu, Cluj-Napoca and Targu Mures by car in about 2 hours of drive.


Photo: Polster Gabriella


From the middle of November until the end of the hunting season there are excellent opportunities to organize big and silent drives in our territories.

Thanks to the excellent game population and the high level game management in the area, in recent years we have been able to guarantee the daily bag size that meets the group's needs with great certainty. We organize boar driven hunt both in open and fenced areas. One of the big advantages of our hunts is that, it is possible to shoot pheasant and mallard near each of our territories, so we can combine hunting opportunities depending on the needs of the group.

Due to the wide range of opportunities, even 4 days of driving can be organized in the hunting-grounds that are situated close to each other. We usually make 3-6 drives a day, depending on the weather and the size of the area included in the drive.

In these boar driven hunts, depending on the number of hunters, 10-25 pieces of game/day can be expected in the open areas, while in the closed hunting-grounds the same number can reach 40-100 pieces of game/day. In some of the areas, red and fallow deer females can be shot too during the drives.

Our hunting-grounds are located:

in Somogy county, on the south of Lake Balaton Accommodation: the HUNTING LODGE of our central office in Fonyód, and other excellent lodges nearby




The southern part of the Transylvanian Carpathians is the 500 km long Southern Carpathians. The highest peaks in Romania can be found here as well, several peaks exceed 2500 meters above the sea level.

In this mountain region you can find good trophy pieces of all Romanian big game, but the specialty of the Southern Carpathians is the population of chamois with the strongest horns in the world. The best season of chamois’s hunt is from October 1st to November 10th. Our hunting grounds are situated in the Fagaras Mountains, under the management of the Romanian State Forestry.

Accomodation: the hunting lodges of the forestry within an hour of journey from the hunting grounds.



Our office offers ibex hunting in Slovenia, 80 km from Maribor near the Austrian border.These hunting grounds are between 500 and 800ha, but due to the mountains, they seem to be a lot larger. Here the hunting typically takes place at an altitude of 800-1200 m, in a forest-covered, well-explored area with roads, for chamois with an average of 80-105 CIC points. The method of hunting is a combination of stalking and high-seat.

Accommodation: simple hunting lodge in the forest or a guest house in a village nearby




Our office offers chamois hunting in Slovenia, 80 km from Maribor near the Austrian border.These hunting grounds are between 500 and 800 Ha, but due to the mountains, they seem to be a lot larger. Here the hunting typically takes place at an altitude of 800-1200 m, in a forest-covered, well-explored area with roads, for an ibex with an average horn lenghts of 80-100 cm. The method of hunting is a combination of stalking and high-seat.

Accommodation: simple hunting lodge in the forest or a guest house in a village nearby